of Surah Alaq |
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Translation 1. Read!
In the name of your Lord who created, Background The first five verses of Surah Alaq were the first verses of the Quraan to be revealed. Before the first revelation the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to have dreams which used to turn out completely true. Thereafter, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to feel the desire to isolate himself from people. He used to go to the cave of Hira and focus his attention towards Allah. This was when he began receiving revelation from Allah. It was the 17th of Ramadaan when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when the angel Jibraeel came to him and said : "Read." The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam answered : "I cannot read." Upon this Jibraeel pressed him until he was distressed after which he let him go and said again, "Read." This happened three times following which Jibraeel revealed the first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq to him. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came home frightened by the strange experience and was comforted by his wife Khadija Radhi Allahu Anha. Khadija later took him to her cousin, Waraqah Ibn Naufal, who confirmed that he was the Prophet of Allah. Verse 1 The Surah starts with the term ism rabbik meaning, the name of your Lord. This could mean two things : a. It points to the fact that when the Quran is recited the name of Allah should be taken by reciting bismilllahir rahmaanir rahim. b. This was an answer to the response of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when he said that he could not recite. Allah consoled him saying that even though you cannot read at present but you are in the tutorship of a being who has the power to make an unlettered person recite the most eloquent of words. Allah ends this verse mentioning His quality of being the Creator. Some scholars are of the opinion that Allah mentioned this to show that the act of creating man was the greatest bounty given to man by Allah. Verse 2 In the first verse Allah did not mention what He created. In the second verse Allah mentions that He created man. Some scholars advance the reason that this is because only man is ordered to follow the teachings of the Quraan. Alaq can be translated as a clot of blood. This clot of blood is one of the many stages which man passes through before becoming a complete human being. A being who has the power to create a perfect human being from a clot of blood is certainly a great being and worthy of worship. Verse 3 The word iqra (read!) has been brought a second time. Scholars have suggested the following reasons for this repetition : a. The first command to recite was addressed to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The second is to command the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to propagate and make others recite. b.As emphasis to show the importance of recitation. Allah has been described with the title of akram (most bountiful) since He created all creation for no benefit of His own but out of His kindness to creation. Verse 4 Allah mentions knowledge next because man is superior to all other creation because of his knowledge. The pen is a means of learning and teaching and has been mentioned as it is an invaluable tool in the acquisition of knowledge. Verse 5 Allah teaches man in many different ways and by various means. Man is born with no knowledge but learns by divine instruction from birth. Who teaches a newborn that crying is a means of gaining attention and a solution to hunger, pain and fear? Who teaches it to drink milk from the mother's chest? Verse 6 - 7 Even though this verse was revealed regarding Abu Jahal who spoke evil of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam the content has been kept open. Allah explains a human weakness which is found in many people. When man acknowledges his dependence on others he does what is right. When he begins to think he is independent he develops pride, oppresses those below him and criticizes whosoever he wants to. This is generally to be seen amongst the wealthy and those in positions of power like kings, ministers, managing directors of companies, etc. In the next verse Allah explains the result of such an evil attitude. Verse 8 Man has to return to Allah one day and account for his deeds. Then all the oppression and power which man leashed out in the world will be punished. The verse could also mean that man is not independent at all. Man is dependent on Allah at every step and breath he takes. Man is dependent on other men for every one of his needs such as clothing, food, shelter, medicine, etc. If man understands this he would similarly realize that Allah has created this entire system of inter-dependence. In other words, he would return to Allah by acknowledging His power. Verse 9 - 10 From this verse to the end of the Surah the reference is to a specific incident. When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam began performing Salaah after being order to by Allah, Abu Jahal prevented him from doing so and threatened him with violence if he persisted. These verses were revealed as a warning to Abu Jahal. Verse 11 - 14 How strange is the behaviour of Abu Jahal! He prevents others from good actions and worship and denies the truth of prophethood. Does he not know that Allah is watching this injustice? Verse 15 - 16 If he does not stop preventing the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from performing Salaah Allah will drag him by his forelock and cast him into the fire of hell. Verse 17 - 18 If he were to call his helpers and associates in sin Allah would call the custodian angels of hell to deal with him. Verse 19 This verse is addressed to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Do not bother with Abu Jahal's threats. Continue performing Sajdah and Salaah. This is the way to attain the nearness of Allah. Lessons 1. The pen is an invaluable bounty of Allah to man. Had mankind not known the art of writing, all the knowledge of the world and of religion would have come to nothing. Man would never have been able to record divine revelation, history or any form of knowledge for that matter. 2. An unlettered prophet producing the greatest literary masterpiece proves that the Quran is the work of Allah and not from any human hand. 3. Just as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was commanded to remain firm on worship in the face of threats from enemies, Muslims need to do likewise. Muslims should not compromise their worship or beliefs due to fear of any enemy. 4.
A pious spouse is one who comforts and supports at the time of difficulty
and distress.